Learn more about chilean wine in cortahojas.com .-/ Chile has just celebrated the National Day of Chilean wine. And the date was chosen on September 04. In 1545, on this date, the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia, wrote to King Charles V of Spain a letter asking him “to evangelise Chile wines”. This opened the doors to the wine is transformed into one of the most important economic and commercial activities in the country. It is in this context that today we talk about the benefits of Chilean wine.

This time we will address the benefits of drinking a glass of wine a day, as experts say, thanks to ponifenoles contained in red wine, the human body eliminates free radicals and protects the heart.

In general, doctors recommend their patients to drink a glass of red wine a day, wisely, because it makes good health.


The natural recipe

A daily glass of red wine is more than enough doses. For doctors, it is desirable that drinking wine is red and no other, and that is to accompany the meal, either lunch or dinner.

For researchers, a glass of red wine a day helps prevent cardiovascular disease in men and women. It also serves to address diabetes and osteoporosis.


The benefits of red wine

According to various studies, consumption of between 22 and 32 grams of alcohol per day have a “protector” of the health effect preventing mortality for many causes.

For example, it decreases the effect of smoking. It has been found that red wine helps regulate the damage caused by snuff in blood vessels

One of the best known effects of red wine is preventing cardiovascular diseases, and regularly consumed in appropriate portions. Scientists say that red wine reduces the chance of developing heart disease by reducing the production of “bad” cholesterol and increase “good”.

Anticoagulants and antithrombotic natural effect. The key is prudent consumption on a daily basis, in small doses. People who drink sporadically have fewer protein fibrinogen, thus are more likely to generate blood clots.

Counteract atherosclerosis: Red wine consumed in moderation can prevent the onset of atherosclerosis. This disease occurs when the blood vessels lose their ability to relax. Alcohol allows vessels to remain healthy thanks to the formation of nitric oxide, ground substance in vascular relaxation.

Improves blood pressure. Drink a glass a day of wine (250 ml) helps low pressure, for example after a meal. Also reduces the formation of kidney stones and prevents the onset of Alzheimer thanks to resveratrol, a chemical compound that is also present in red wine.


Corta Hojas.com expert in chilean wines