Read more about chilean export wines Comparing 2014 with 2015, we see that this year’s wine production showed an increase of 30% compared to last year. This, according to information Wine Production Report SAG (Agricultural and Livestock Service).

To make the gathering of information, this institution lays history delivering wine producers themselves.

According to the agency, this significant increase is explained by the climate, as production of this latest crop was not affected by the cold-and morning frost of the year 2013-.

In the last four years it has been observed that the volumes of wine production returned to their levels of production -of approximately 1,250 million liters following the upward trend in 2012 and 2013.

The largest wine production are located in the regions of Maule, O’Higgins and Metropolitan, accounting for 93.3% of the total, concentrating production in the Maule region with 48.1%.

The total wine production in 2015 reached 1.286,707,393 liters, an increase of 30.0% from the previous year, of which 1,081,307,915 liters correspond to wines with denomination of origin, equivalent to 84.0% of the total declared.

Then there are the wines without designation of origin. These alcanzaron152.254.281 liters.