Read more about chilean bulk wines in cortahojas,com.-/ A positive first half showed, this 2015, exports of Chilean bottled wine. During June increased shipments abroad of bottled wine producers: they reached up 16% to 37.2 million liters, which resulted in the amount of US $ 118.9 million, equivalent to 6.3% compared to June 2014.

According to data provided by ODEPA (Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies, the Ministry of Agriculture), between January and June 2015, bottled wine shipments were up 1.6% in volume, reaching 197.1 million liters, but it resulted in a decrease of -2.0% in value, reaching US $ 649 million.

According to the study, in June 2015, total wine shipments were up 5.2% in volume, reaching 69.1 million liters and 1.4% in value, totaling US $ 150.4 million.

Finally, total shipments of wine in the first half recorded an increase of 1.7% in volume, recording 410.7 million liters, a decrease of -4.2% in value, ending the period US $ 853 million.


For more information visit our website, where you can find related to Chilean wines and specialties such as BULK Wines Chilean Wines Bulk content.