Read more about chilean wines in More complicated than expected was the month of May for Chilean wine exports. This month, total exports showed a decline of -8.9% in volume and 12.6% in value. Meanwhile, bottled wine exports fell 3.3% in volume and -0.8% in value. All this by comparing the same month of May 2014.

According to the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies of the Ministry of Agriculture, the number of liters, total shipments of wine reached 69.1 million liters (-8.9%) for a total of US $ 140.8 million (-12, 6%). In the case of exports of bottled wines to May, these totaled 32.6 million liters (-3.3%), with a value of US $ 106.1 million (-0.8%). The average price decreased -6.7%, reaching US $ 3.26 per liter.


Between January and May

In this period, total wine exports reached 341.6 million liters, an increase of 1.1% compared to the same period year 2014r. Regarding the value reached US $ 703.3 million, a decrease of -5.3%.

As for bottled wine shipments between January and May this year totaled 159.9 million liters, recording a low of -1.3% in value and posted a low of -3.7% to US $ 530.4 million.


More information about wines, chilean wines, bulk wines, oem wines, private label wines in