Read more information in For many French one of the reasons why wine drinking is important it is that it helps to prevent heart diseases. In fact, in France, its habitants recorded less heart disease than in the other countries.

While feeding the French are included foods high in fat, less frequently they develop heart disease than English or German. Several studies this phenomenon is called as “French paradox” and always has been attributed to increased consumption of red wine among the Normans. There are a number of investigations attribute these characteristics to Resveratrol, a natural substance that is present in red wine and has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease.

In recent times there have been three investigations of prestigious European universities as Gutenberg University of Mainz, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and the University of Vienna, which indicate that resveratrol inhibits the development of cardiovascular diseases through the protective effect and anti-inflammatory.

These studies have been able to determine how Resveratrol disables the formation of inflammatory factors that trigger heart disease. This discovery is of real importance, because it showed that the diseases to corazónson significantly driven by inflammatory processes in the body.

Cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke, occur frequently in association with chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. Thus, Resveratrol has great therapeutic potential, particularly in the treatment of inflammatory diseases that can cause serious damage to the cardiovascular system.

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