Find out about the new wine in– / Like green tea, the wine has a compound that could help slow the development of Alzheimer’s. Scientists at the University of Leeds in England, found some chemicals in the wine and green tea have the ability to interrupt the development of this disease.
These are antioxidants that act at the level of the brain. In the development of Alzheimer’s, a protein called amyloid, that interact with nerve cells causes these cells to die and neurodegenerative diseases occur appears.
What these new components is to alter the way in which protein (amyloid) are collected, disabling it to interact with the cell. The research also found when amyloid proteins stick with others, triggers the production of more amyloid producing a vicious cycle that triggers Alzheimer’s.
The next step is to find alternatives to existing treatments against Alzheimer’s.
This study is very important in preventing and treating this disease step.
To read the full report download the PDF: The Journal of Biological Chemistry.
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