Read more .-/ Chilean people would be changing their tastes in relation to wine. According to data provided by a study of the Association of Luxury Brands, consumers would prefer wines of higher quality and price.

The category of wines “ultra premium” -with over US $ 33 value -crecerá about 15% in Chile this 2015, following the international trend, according to the International Wine & Spirit Research, grow 17% in 2017.

This growth is based on that Chileans are increasingly demanding, with tastes that have been training with the increasingly wide range of wines and ultra premium spirits.

As for the foam, the Chilean industry is growing at around 20% per year, driven by the preference of women, who prefer this type of alcohol.

In Corta Hojas Export In we are known for having an increasingly wide offer a large selection of products. Our premium wines are internationally recognized, we were rewarded with important distinctions in the wine industry.


Leanr more about wines. CortaHojas Export Wines: producers of premium quality wines. We have the alternatives you’re looking for: Private Label wines, Oem wines, Bulk wines, Bag in Box wines.