Read more information The Chilean government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, said that made a modification to Decree No. 464, which establishes the areas where wine is produced and determines the rules for its use. The aim is to improve and adapt the conditions of the Denomination of Origin special “Interior Dry” and new sectors increase this  category.

This measure will improve the marketing of wines from strains “Country” and “Cinsault” so that these varieties can be marketed on the labels of wines and thus, can make reference to its geographical origin. The grape “Country” is synonymous internationally accepted, “Mission” and “Creole”.

From now on, the name of particular origin “Interior Dry” will be noted on the label, with its respective area or wine area whenever appropriate wines strains Country or Cinsault and that these come from rainfed areas of Rauco , Romeral, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Talca, Pencahue, San Clemente, San Rafael, San Javier, Villa Alegre, Parral, Linares, Cauquenes, Chillán, Quillón, Portezuelo, Coelemu and Yumbel.

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