Read more: On several occasions we talked about recommendations for cooling wine, especially in summer day. This time we will talk about grades most suitable temperature for the different strains.
Before you begin, an important fact is that the best way to get a proper temperature is to put the bottle in a cooler (bucket) with ice.
Let’s start with the white wines are those mostly associated with summer.
The board of CH Export Wines is a young white wine should be served between 7 and 10 degrees. Some people prefer colder, but ultimately is a matter of taste.
For rosé wines our suggestion is that the temperature between 10 and 12 degrees. But like the previous example, depends on taste.
In the case of red wine varietal distinction between a book and a great book to do. Depending on your type we can also suggest some ideas. The varietal red wine can be served between 12 and 15 degrees and is very well; red reserve between 14 and 17 degrees, while red Gran Reserva can be served between 17 and 18 degrees.
Do not forget that in the summer foaming are also taken and these days are very fashionable. For these, it is recommended a temperature of 5 to 8 degrees.
The important thing is that described above are recommendations and people should drink wine or sparkling as they like.
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