Exports for US $ 2,100 million are expected to reach exporters of Chilean wine in the 2019 period. Learn about premium Chilean wines. Visit our website. If you need information about chilean wines from cortahojas.com visit our website where you will find all our contact information.

Although the balance of wine exports in 2018 was positive -with an amount of around US $ 2,000 million- the amount is similar in magnitude to that registered in 2017. However, the numbers are viewed with optimism by the sector: an increase in the average price in levels of 3.5% that made it possible to compensate for a slight decrease in terms of volume in the same comparison.

For this reason, the wineries look with optimism on their performance for 2019, since to maintain this structural trend in their exports, they project a 6% increase in their sales abroad to levels of US $ 2,100 million.
This growth of around 6%, in a trend that is more oriented to the increase in prices, which would be accompanied by a rise in levels of 2% in volume in 2019.

After a period in which the prices of bottled wine remained stable, the year 2018 closed with an average value of US $ 29 per box, with an increase of 3.8% compared to 2017. In this context, the wines of higher quality showed a more positive evolution: the segment of products over US $ 40 the box had the best behavior in terms of value, with an increase of 8% in twelve months. This situation is important because the highest priced wines are growing, of more than US $ 40 per box, which is where the exporters are focusing their objectives.

Achieving these objectives is fundamental for the investment plans of the vintners, as well as facing the higher costs in energy, labor and the transformation into a sustainable industry.

It is also important to highlight the best performance in the United States, the United Kingdom and Brazil, there are important price increases in the markets of China, Canada, South Korea, Mexico and the Netherlands.

China and Brazil .. key markets for Chilean wines
Chile had a great growth in the Chinese market, where it has had a permanent presence. Today Australia is a great competition for Chilean wines for export. However, Chilean exporters are looking forward to the “conflict” between China and the United States and trade barriers. The Chinese government is encouraging the consumption of wine, so it is expected that there is a total consumption of around 3 billion liters by 2022. And if this growth occurs, China will go to the United States as the largest wine market in the world, with an annual increase of 6% in the next 5 years. In addition, the Chinese have a great knowledge of the Chilean market, there are several companies producing wine here, so there is a great potential for growth.

In the case of Brazil, the consumption of Brazilian wine will continue to increase, despite the fact that more competitors have entered the market. In one minute, one out of every two bottles that entered Brazil was Chilean, today it is a little less, but Chile still maintains a share between 42% and 43%.

Learn about premium Chilean wines.
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