Asia has an impressive growth potential. If you are in the business of wine exports you should look to Asia, it is in that continent where the opportunities are. In China, the consumption of each inhabitant (per capita) is two liters; and 2.5 in Japan, then the growth potential is total. Then, without giving more return the future of the growth of the Chilean wine is in China.

However, for Chilean producers the focus is to protect markets where Chilean wines are already present and how to grow the Asian market.

The Chilean strategy is to increase the presence of Chilean wine in China, since in the case of Europe, Chilean wine is already mature. In other words, the consumption of wines stabilized. Something similar happens in the United States and the other countries of North America, where there are some small growths.

Image and quality
The keys to success for Chilean wineries to succeed are high quality and image. Both require the vineyards to be very efficient and is a tool for them to become sustainable.

According to the Wine Association of Chile, the export of Chilean wines produced in the country closed in 2018 with 55.3 million cases of bottled wine sold and China continues to occupy the first place for the destinations of Chilean wines for export, with the purchase of 8.1 million boxes, equivalent to US $ 254 million.

Analysts say that Chile could double the price of wine exported to 2030 if it focuses on image and quality. If a similar growth is projected (8% per year), the industry could grow from the current US $ 3.1 per liter or US $ 28 per case to exports for US $ 7 per liter or US $ 63 per case to 2030.

According to the Wine Association of Chile, the export of this brew produced in the South American country closed 2018 with 55.3 million boxes of bottled liquor sold. China maintained the leadership among the main shipping destinations the previous year.

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