Chilean wine brands are leaving an important footprint worldwide. Foreign sales already exceed two billion dollars; the wines are already reaching more than 150 nations and Chile is already in fourth place as a world exporter. Exports exceeded 2,060 million dollars in 2017.
These days, and since a few weeks ago, grape harvesting has been taking place in Chile and, as has been the case in recent years, it has been advanced as a result of climate change.
The effects of heat stroke are already beginning to be felt. Experts point out that the Chardonnay of the valleys of the central zone of the territory come with a drop of 20% in the originally estimated volumes, a situation that could lead to a price increase in grapes and wine.
It is considered key to have access to irrigation water in situations as extreme as those experienced this past summer. In the Norte Chico – southern part of the Atacama Region, the Coquimbo Region and the area north of the Aconcagua River, in the Valparaíso Region -, the reservoirs have allowed a supply without problems. On the other hand, in the so-called central zone-it foresaw the southern part of the Aconcagua River to the north and the Biobío River to the south-it has registered days when it could not be irrigated due to the low availability of water. In Maipo Alto it is estimated that the water received would be equivalent to 60% of what is used in normal times.
The total area of vineyards for vinification today occupies more than 141,000 hectares
According to the data provided by the Office of Study and Agrarian Policies (Odepa), the total area of vineyards for vinification currently occupies more than 141,000 hectares, which have a wine production potential close to 1,200 million liters, considering an average year with good weather conditions.
This area is found mainly in the regions of O’Higgins and Maule, concentrating more than 72% of the national surface. Exports of wine and must in 2017 exceeded 967 million liters, worth over 2,067 million dollars.
At present Chile is the first exporter of wines of the new world and fourth world exporter of wines, being surpassed only by European countries of vast trajectory in vitivinicultural matters, like France, Spain and Italy.
Chilean producers pursue hard to consolidate as leaders in the premium segment, with sustainable and diverse products in the so-called new world. For this there are opportunities to establish agreements and grow. There is the conviction that Chile could double the price of wine exported to 2030 focusing on image and quality.
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