Scientists say that there is a limit to prevent the development of certain diseases and enhance the health benefits of wine for health.

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Science has demonstrated empirically through numerous researches throughout universities and institutions around the world the healthy effects of moderate wine consumption. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends its consumption always in a responsible and moderate way. Governments of different countries have included it as a recommended food in the nutritional pyramid.

That wine is healthy is a fact that nobody denies. However, the disagreements arise in terms of quantity, how is the term “moderate” measured in a scientific way? What should be the limit to avoid the development of certain diseases?
A new study conducted in Spain suggests that women who drink more than one glass of wine a day and men who drink more than two may suffer cognitive decline if they maintain this habit for 20 years, although in many cases they do not know it or they do not diagnose.

In Spain, around 65% of the adult population consumes alcohol systematically throughout their lives, a percentage that includes a population group with an apparently normal functioning, but which presents cognitive problems related to having been more than 20 years old. years consuming alcohol without moderation.

The lack of visualization of clear external signs of loss of cognitive functions and the fact of not having a high risk pattern cause many of these cases not to be diagnosed. There is great heterogeneity of possible deterioration due to the consumption of alcohol, which can range from mild difficulties to a demential syndrome, so the diagnosis is even more complicated. The symptoms of cognitive deterioration suffered by these patients have a great impact on their daily functioning.

They present problems both at the level of memory and failures in executive function, such as the difficulty in making decisions, the decrease in organizational capacity and planning, or the lack of control of behavior “, added the neuropsychologist.

Approximately 5 grams per day (which is equivalent to a glass of wine) are those that are considered the optimal level of alcohol consumption, thus avoiding deaths of people.

While the healthiness of moderate consumption is widely accepted and demonstrated in the medical community, the authorities should act on the consequences of excessive consumption in order to inform about “the two sides of the coin”.

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