Next, we will talk about a different topic, but one that is very important for the development of wine and above all premium wine, such as Premium export wines. All this, to face the challenges that are coming for the industry, since we face a latent risk that is the climatic change and that is already causing that it changes the form in which the plants are behaving and that we have greater incidence of the diseases.
That is why next we will talk about the development of molecular biology and artificial intelligence, which allow more resistant vineyards and real-time analysis of each step of the production, promise to revolutionize the production of Chilean wine without neglecting the palate of consumers.
In the vineyards of the Maule region, scientists are working to expand the traditional viticulture, maintaining the craft contribution of winemakers that give soul to one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Everything starts in the laboratory. The key is to identify which pathogens and in what quantities they affect the plant to quickly implement treatments that reduce the harmful effects of the viruses and fungi that commonly attack the vineyards.
With this information, we identify those plants that are healthiest and then “assemble a new mother block that is the new generation, called ‘plant 2.0’: free of fungi and viruses and strengthened with beneficial microorganisms that will help fight diseases.” details the scientist.
And although today the vines grow naturally, in the future there will be room for more genetic manipulations that allow us to generate varieties resistant to some type of microorganism that can mean a significant economic deterioration ”
Addressing climate change
Extensive valleys protected by mountains and soils of great mineral wealth protect and give a special flavor to Chilean wines, but these natural advantages could disappear and the industry is already working to avoid it.
The risk for the future is climate change, which is already changing the way plants are behaving and there will be a higher incidence of diseases, which means that from the laboratory it will be necessary to accelerate the development of tools to mitigate this. risk.
Changes in the periodicity of rains are another great challenge for wine producers. Scientists developed a useful prediction platform to determine the expected thermal amplitude and pressure on the water resources that vineyards will face in the coming years.
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