The discussion is always raised between those who prefer not to put ice cubes to wine and those who do show predisposed to do so.
The tastes regarding wine are diverse and seem to end. One of these is the wine with ice … a tremendous mistake for millions of connoisseurs in the world. However, there are people who choose to see the ice cubes floating in the red and drink it to the health of those who suffer from thinking about what they are seeing.

To be truly objective, there is no doubt that in tastes there is nothing written. The truth is that drinking a glass of red wine on a flat summer afternoon in the southern hemisphere is not very suitable and probably not very recommendable. However, as in all controversy, there is a middle point between the two extremes.

How terrible !!! Ice in the wine glass !!
Each person has their own tastes. Keep in mind that the ice will dilute the wine as it melts and in this case, its structure will be loosened. There are those who like this loose wine and those who do not. But, in any case, for the latter, it is good to know that there are alternative methods.

Fake ice rocks, yes. They are sold in any wine store and they are, neither more nor less, than some false rocks of ice. Only stuffed with gel and, properly stored in the freezer, drastically lower the temperature to the glass without diluting the wine. In favor, practicality. Against, it is still a piece of plastic that you see in the glass. You have to choose, of course. But there are other alternatives.

The good and the bad ice. A good tip for wine drinkers with ice is to choose the rocks they use well. Those made with drinking water – 99% – will have chlorine and the chlorine will ruin the flavors of the wine. It is better to schedule, buy water ice without chlorine or, eventually, use a drum to prevent the flavor from getting damaged.
The freezer, almost always. When in a barbecue they make 34 or 35 degrees, any bottle on the table arrives in a matter of minutes at that feverish peak. Then, the use of sanity is imposed to lower them to a decent 15 or 16 ºC. The freezer is a good ally in this matter, because in about 10 to 15 minutes it leaves them at the right point. Better if you wrap them with a damp cloth before. Of course: if you forgot it for a while, the worst may happen and the wine may freeze. And at this point, what happens?

Frozen, never. The wines are prepared so that we can forget them in the fridge or freezer, but not to go to -18ºC. There two things happen: the cork fails, pressed by the ice and the wine spills; or, the finest reds, those that go out to the market without filtering, suffer the thermal shock and get rid of their excesses. How? Simple: when cooled, the capacity of the water to hold some soluble substances changes and they fall out just as the salt fell in a typical primary experiment with saturated water. The taste, in any case, is not altered, although a little body and texture. Eye with freezing the wines.

The frapera, yes. In any case, when it comes to maintaining the temperature of a good red wine in summer, you should not hesitate and leave it in a refrigerator with water and ice. Yes, it’s true, it seems counterintuitive, but a bottle of red wine is better and fresher at the point than a burnt broth. The secret, in any case, is not to use a lot of ice: with a bucket the water is ready. And then it is regulated with an ice every so often.
Gel bags. Just as there are gel bags to relieve muscle pain, there are gel bags for wines. These prevent a previously cooled bottle from heating up. It is also a good gift for some wine lover.

These are some tips for those who want to know more about Chilean wines. As always we point out in a matter of taste there is nothing written. The important thing is to experiment and try the different alternatives.

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