A new achievement is the Chilean export wine. Although, it is not a surprise, it is good news, since for years France led wine exports to Japan. However, the preference of Japanese consumers has changed and since 2015 Chilean wine has become more relevant, strengthening its presence, mainly due to the convenience between price and quality.

In the 1990s, Chilean wine represented between 1% and 5% of all wines imported by Japan. In 2017, with the entry into force of the Economic Association Agreement between Japan and Chile, DR reduced tariffs on wine from this country, which led to an increase in the volume of imports that led to a decade later, in 2017 , represents 31% of all the wine imported by Japan.

Chilean wine export is no longer only relevant in China and the US, but in Japan is boosting its presence with an affordable price of around 1,000 yen.

But the price is not everything. The Japanese already learned about the quality of wine, mainly Premium wines. In that country it is highlighted that Chile has suitable climatic conditions to cultivate the grapes, with long hours of sunshine and little rain in the harvest period, which has encouraged many producers in Europe to move to this country in recent years, where they are introducing the latest fermentation technologies.

While France continues to protect its leadership, in recent years Spain has also increased its presence in the Japanese market in no small way.

Another good news is that import duties on Chilean wine will be completely eliminated in April 2019. In addition, Japan and the European Union have also decided to eliminate tariffs on wine produced in Europe with the signing of its Economic Partnership Agreement, that to enter into force in the spring of 2019 will bring with it a great activity in this market in Japan, starting with a greater presence of French wine that will try to recover its former leadership.
With prices more accessible, a new episode of this story will be developed, where quality will be relevant when facing the Japanese consumer.

Learn more about Chilean wines, premium wines and export wines produced in the Maule region of Chile, where the Cortahojas.com vineyard has its main export products to the five continents.

Learn more about wines at cortahojas.com