Exports of bottled Chilean wine had a very good performance during the first four months of this year, compared to the same period in 2017. The increase recorded in volume was 2.13% and 8.01% in value. These numbers were reached due to demand from China, the US and Japan.

In April, exports of bottled wine registered an increase of 4.4% in volume and 13.6% in value with respect to the same month of 2017. Meanwhile, if the last 12 months are analyzed, there are positive numbers that ratify the growth of 4.56% in volume and 7.13% in value.

Key Markets
The markets of China, the United States and Japan continue to be the main export destinations for Chilean wines. China totaled US $ 67.3 million in the first four months of 2018, while the United States reached US $ 56.9 million and Japan US $ 48.6 million.

On the other hand, South Korea registered 41.22% more in volume and 31.85% in value, together with China, with 17.36% and 19.97%.

In the last 12 months, China first appears with US $ 267.3 million and 8.6 million cases, and it is the one that registers the highest growth (27.71% in volume and 26.69% in value). In the second place, there is the United States that accumulates a fall of 6.12% and 11.05% in 12 months, respectively.

In general, the first four months of the year show positive growth in almost all the important markets for Chilean exporters. These results verify once again the high quality of Chilean wines and the ever-increasing preference of vines-mainly Premium wines-in the different international markets.

At cortahojas.com we continue to promote the quality of Premium export wines.
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