During 2017, Chile, the fourth largest wine exporter in the world, produced 1,200 million liters of wine, reaching sales of over US $ 2,000 million. This background is obtained from the data provided by the association that brings together the Chilean winemakers.

Although the year 2017 was not easy for producers and exporters of Chilean wine, due to the large number of forest fires that damaged important hectares of grape plantations, climate change favored certain varieties for their growth and rapid flowering. avoided a negative scenario From the commercial area, another positive factor was the recovery of the UK market after the Brexit crisis.

Varieties such as Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon had an exceptional behavior against the high temperatures produced during the summer. The Chilean wine production in 2017 was divided into 35% of Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% of Sauvignon Blanc, 12% of Merlot and 9% of Carmenere. So far in 2018, low temperatures were recorded that caused a more extended harvest and harvest season, which in turn caused a delay in the maturation of the vine for up to three weeks.

Returning to the numbers, although the numbers reached in 20177 were positive to US $ 2 billion last year, by 2018 the producers expect to grow 6% in value, with China and Brazil as push engines.
Another strategy for 2018 will be to boost premium wines and to do this, we will seek to give them greater visibility in markets such as Chinese, American and European. So far, the strategy used has been to sell large quantities but at a low price.

Other data of interest. It is estimated that in a few more years, China will become the largest consumer of wine in the world. Currently, 16% of the Chilean wine exported went directly to the Chinese market. In the case of Brazil, 50% of the imported wines were Chilean.

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