With the aim of improving the competitiveness of the Chilean wine producers, is that a group of winemakers are working on what are called “heritage wines”, which are made based on the strains Country and Cinsault. These new wines seek to contribute to the sustainability of a productive system associated with this traditional product of family farming in Chile, such as peasant wine, which takes place in the coastal and inland rainfed areas of the Maule region.

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This project (directed by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Chile and supported by the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation (FIA) of the Ministry of Agriculture) is aimed at improving the competitiveness of the vintners through three axes: vitiviniculture, elaboration and save and promotion.
The idea is to work on improving the typicity, valorize its production and patrimonial character, increasing its competitiveness and productive sustainability of the wines.
Along with the heritage rescue, in this production region there are many aspects of wine production that are sustainable, such as the use of varieties of low water requirement that allow an acceptable production production, which should be imitated considering the water scarcity that is already observed in the Central Valley of Chile, where viticulture is mainly developed.
This project gathers the rescue and valorization of heritage and proposes an idea about climate change. Through the rescue of these varieties that are cultivated in the dry land of these localities, an interesting model to be followed in the future can be developed in regions with less rainfall. The important thing is to strengthen the technology transfer and the diffusion capacity of the Peasant Wine, besides training the producers in wine and oenological aspects.

Learn more about Heritage Wines
According to the data that is handled at a regional level, it is estimated that the surface of dry and irrigated coastal vineyards of the Maule and Biobío regions is approximately 10,000 hectares, with an approximate number of 8,000 producers. The most important varieties correspond to the white Moscatel de Alejandría and the inks Cinsault, Carignan and País, the latter with about 7,000 hectares planted.

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