There are already several Chilean export wine producers who are looking at Brazil as an attractive market for sending their wines. In the year 2002, Chile had already become the main wine supplier for Brazil, with 39.7% of the market and a growth of 18.8% in 2017, according to the Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade of Brazil.
In fiscal year 2017, exports of wines with denomination of origin to Brazil totaled 70 thousand liters worth 204 thousand dollars, which, although it is a discrete figure, hides an ample growth potential, according to experts.
According to regional statistics, wine is being exported to Brazil at an average value of US $ 3 per liter. From this export, the producers sent 20,438 dollars for a total of 2,426 liters; that is, at $ 8.4 per liter. These data show that there is room to grow in exports to Brazil. At present, only 10% of wine exports correspond to small producers.
Although Chilean export wines have a strong presence in Brazil, they are also heard strongly in the US, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Argentina, Australia, among other countries.