The label of a bottle of wine is as important as the product that goes inside. That is why producers and exporters of wine must worry to the smallest detail so that they can finally capture the attention of the consumer.
However, labeling represents one of the main deficits when marketing or exporting a product. The lack of proper labeling is a deficit aspect among wine producers and can be a disadvantage when competing in both national and international markets.
In Chile there is a legal regulation on the Labeling of Wines and its application and other liquors. The producers must register their wines in the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) and that few producers do it. In the label of each bottle should be noted the production, processing, the type of alcohol and its corresponding percentage, the denomination of origin and the type of strain. The most common mistake is not to consider the actual alcohol content of the product and not to clearly state its origin.
In this context, at we have specialized in the development of labels for our customers. Many times our customers request wine in bulk. We send them to you and once in the destination country the client asks us for labels to be able to market it.
This way in, it offers a complete plan to our clients, whether they want to buy wine in bulk or in bottle and there is also the option to develop their own or customized labels according to the client’s needs.
The export of wines
Among the main steps for the export of wines are: having the product registered with the SAG, also must be done in the register of exporters, once in the customs the recommendation is to hire the services of a customs agent and take as associations of producers, promotion programs such as those of ProChile that consider trips to world fairs to promote local products.
Learn more about quality Chilean wines and wines. At we have developed a platform to meet customer requirements, in the most personalized way possible.
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