Prefers Chilean wines of high quality / premium. Find them on our website A regulation created by Vinos de Chile, with the objective of promoting the benefits of a sustainable production of grapes and high quality wines, obtains international recognition.

The initiative known as the Sustainability Code of the Chilean Wine Industry, was recognized at the Green Awards 2017, in the category The Amorim Sustainability. This is an award given annually by the prestigious English magazine The Drinks Business with the aim of recognizing the advances in environmental issues of the world wine, beer and spirits industry.

The award was given to the Vinos de Chile organization for the consistent work done with the Sustainability Code, considering, among other things, the seriousness of the initiative, its scope and the acknowledgments it has. It is a collective achievement that involves a large team, including certified vineyards.

What is the Sustainability Code
It is a voluntary initiative that aims to promote the benefits of sustainable production of grapes and high quality wines and motivate producers to improve their management through compliance with the requirements stipulated in the regulations. To meet the demands. The vineyards must have an environmental and social management system that meets, at least, the current national legislation, regardless of the complexity of their operations.
From now on, the vineyards that enter the certification system will be able to demonstrate their management capacity to reduce the potential environmental and social risks caused by the activities involved in winemaking.

Prefers Chilean wines of high quality / premium. Find them on our website
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