Learn more about chilean wines in cortahojas.com. / According to the information provided by the Central Bank of Chile, in the period January-October of 2017 bottled wine exports had returns of US $ 1,346 million FOB. In this way, exports recorded the highest amounts in shipments since, at least, 2007. This translated into a 6.1% increase in value compared to the first 10 months of 2016, becoming the largest variation since 2011.
The Chilean industry considers that this sector is influenced by external factors -such as variations in the costs and price of the dollar-, therefore they are attentive to what may happen, hoping that these growth figures will be maintained.
Taking as reference October of this year, returns of US $ 162 million FOB were generated, which meant an increase of 16.3% compared to last year. This was also the best month since May of last year and the best October since 2013.
Among the destinations that explain the increase in exports of bottled wine during 2017, highlights the significant growth of China and Brazil, which accumulate increases above two digits. The increase that wine exports have shown in 12 months over US $ 60 per box, since the strategy of the sector is to persevere in Premium wines.
In relation to wine in bulk, between January and October there were returns of US $ 307 million FOB, which meant a 21% increase compared to the same period last year. In exported amounts, wine in bulk marked its best January-October since 2013. If only October is considered, the shipments added up to US $ 37 million FOB, with an annual variation of 22.9% in relation to the same month of last year.
The increase is explained by the price increase, caused by the shortage caused by a hot summer and the lower world production, which has made the supply more scarce.
Learn more about chilean wines in cortahojas.com