China is currently the fastest growing market in the world’s high-end wines. For this reason, Chilean wines are seeking to respond to the needs of Chinese consumers seeking the best quality.

In recent years, China has become a relevant market for wine and along with it has experienced a significant expansion. According to the International Organization of Vine and Wine, in 2016, nearly 1,720 million liters were drank in China, which represents an increase of 6.9 percent year-on-year, the highest in the world.

Chilean wines occupy a privileged place in this important market. In 2016, exports from Chile to China increased by 18%, becoming the country with the largest destination of Chilean wines.

The strategy for the next few years points to Chilean wines moving towards the high-end market in China. Currently, Chinese consumers are looking for higher quality wine and right from the Chilean vineyards are producing higher quality products, through the improvement of production processing and organic agriculture.

In August of this year (2017) Chile exported 5.4 million cartons of bottled wines, among which, those valued between 40 and 50 dollars experienced an increase of 30% and those of more than US $ 60 dollars growths of 17% . The volume of sales in China of Chilean wines increased 43.7%.