The wine producing industry in Chile has remained positive despite the turbulence experienced in some of the main destination markets for Chilean products. Even the sector has gained ground in the period January-September so far in 2017.… Learn more about chilean wines export in

According to the data of ODEPA (Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies), of the Ministry of Agriculture, in the first 9 months of the year shipments were made for 349.4 million liters of bottled wine, a volume that reflects an increase of 5% compared to the same period last year, when 332.6 million liters of bottled wine were exported.

These numbers are not only positive in terms of quantity. According to ODEPA, the returns in the January-September period reached US $ 1,104.6 million, an amount that shows an increase of 5.1% in relation to the US $ 1,050.6 million received in the same period of 2016.

A different situation showed the wines in bulk. So far this year, exports were made for 281.4 million liters, a volume that shows a drop of 5.9% compared to the same period in 2016, when shipments were made for 299.1 million liters.

Although there was an evident fall in the volume exported, the returns had a more pronounced rise compared to bottled wines. Between January and September of this year, what was received for bulks added US $ 232.9 million, which translated into an increase of 6.8% compared to the same period of 2016, when there were returns for US $ 218 millions.

What’s up with the varieties
The wines produced with Cabernet Sauvignon grapes continue to lead in terms of volume and exported value, with increases compared to last year. Meanwhile, products made from sauvignon blanc grapes appear in second place, although with a fall in both volume and value.

The increases in exported value, both in bottled and bulk wines, account for an increase in average export prices, particularly in the case of bulk wines. On the other hand, the level of world wine production in 2017 is one of the lowest in the last 50 years. Thus, and considering the level of consumption, Odepa argued that “it is foreseeable that during this year there will be a significant reduction in inventories, which will surely have an impact on the behavior of the international wine market”.

As for sparkling wines, which have had a strong expansion in recent years, they showed a slight fall of 3.4% in volume exported during the January-September period. However, in value they practically remained stable.

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