Learn more about chilean wines…. www.cortahojas.com. / Below you will learn how the behavior of Chilean wine production in recent months. The information is official and was provided by an agency of the Government of Chile. According to the background, the production of Chilean wines registered a decrease of 6.4% compared to the year 2016.
The Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), which reports to the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture, presented the National Report for the Production of Wines 2017, which annually provides the background information provided by the producers through their affidavits of production carried out electronically on the Service portal.
The total production of wines of 2017 reached 949,205,801 liters, which represents a small decrease of 6.4% compared to the harvest in 2016, of which 805,061,414 liters correspond to wines with a denomination of origin, 110,329,802 liters to wines without a designation of origin which also includes declared standard wine-making wines that do not specify variety, and 33,814,585 liters to wines from table grapes.
The decrease in production in both red and white varieties occurred especially in the regions of O’Higgins and Maule, which saw their production reduced by 2.1 and 7.6% respectively compared to 2016.
The largest wine productions are located in the Maule, O’Higgins and Metropolitan regions respectively, which represents 93.1% of the total; and concentrating in the Maule Region 45.4% of the wine produced in the country.
Regarding the production of wines with a designation of origin, 67.3% corresponds to wines from red wines and 32.7% from wines from white wines. When analyzing the production in relation to the types of grape varieties, Cabernet Sauvignon reached 28.4% of the total, followed by Sauvignon Blanc with 15.3%, Merlot with 13.3%, Chardonnay with 9.2% Syrah with 7.9% and Carménère with 6.7%.
As for the variation of the production of wines with denomination of origin by variety, the strains of red wines with the lowest production decrease compared to the 2016 harvest are: Cabernet Sauvignon in 17.5%; Carménère in 12%; and Pinot Noir by 9%. In white wines, the main production losses were in Chardonnay at 9.3% and Muscat of Alexandria at 2.7%.
Learn more about chilean wines… visit www.cortahojas.com