According to international analysts, global export wine consumption is expected to rise by about 2% between 2016 and 2020, with strong demand (+ 12.7%) and American (+ 3.9% ).

As can be seen, the export of export wines and the sale of cork stoppers will continue to gain market share throughout this period

Portugal is the main producer of corks in the world. The increase in cork exports is a result of increased international wine consumption and the rapid expansion of emerging markets such as China or Brazil, as well as the consolidation of important traditional markets such as the US.

Experts argue that the cork stopper has a flawless image among consumers, in addition it has become a key element in the sale of wines and sparkling wines. Consumer loyalty to the cork is almost 100%, mainly at times considered special, such as a gift, a party at home or a celebration in a restaurant.

For Americans the cork stopper is associated with high quality wines.

The preference for cork is indisputable and if it comes accompanying a Chilean export wine … much better.


Chilean Premium wines