A new way of producing wine. In recent years, Chilean wine producers have changed the way of doing things. Incorporating sustainability in the production process has been key. This is one of the main innovations of the Chilean industry.

For export wines (chilean wines) produced cleanly and thinking about the future is key to position improvement mainly way the Chilean wine industry. For buyers and opinion leaders incorporate sustainability as part of the production it is key to the realization of new business and new markets.

Not only is planting hectares of grape, but think of wine and for them is paramount think topography, soil analysis, climate, irrigation systems, all key elements for the current industry.

The wine industry has been working in recent years to obtain certification of Sustainability Code. This is a voluntary instrument managed by Wines of Chile and seeks to incorporate sustainable practices in the wine business.

The purpose of certification Sustainability Code is to publicize the benefits of sustainable production of high quality and encourage the vines to improve their management through compliance with the requirements of the standard, such as: the vines They must have an environmental management system that promotes sustainable wine production and minimize potential environmental impacts, with significant improvements in natural resources used efficiently.

Other relevant points of the Code of Sustainability has to do with labor relations, communication with suppliers, customers and community. This -pioneer Chile- Code establishes various procedures and certified standards, so that they can produce grapes and wines sustainably.

It covers three areas. The green area that is related to work cleanly in the vineyard; the orange area is related to processes in the wine cellars in the bottled and bulk wine and, finally, the red area is concerned with the relationship between the company and its people, and the surrounding community .

Currently, 70% of Chilean bottled wine exported with the National Code of Sustainability of the Wine Industry.