Learn more of us in chilean-wines.com or cortahojas.com. /.- In November of this year will mark 22 years since the Renaissance or re-discovery of Chilean Carmenere. It was in 1994, Jean Michel Boursiquot how (French oenologist) made this great find for Chilean wine.
While walking among the vineyards of merlot plantation in the Maipo Valley, some of the plants caught his attention. It was at that point where he discovered that the plantation was not merlot, but it was the missing parent strain from the French region of Bordeaux … Carmenere.
This discovery changed everything. At 22 years of re- discovery, Carmenere has become one of the most important strains of Chile, becoming a major player in the Chilean wine industry.
The discovery of fields in Chilean Carmenere was news for everyone because this strain was missing in extinction. In fact he disappeared in Europe because of a plague of phylloxera that afectpo in the nineteenth century plantations in Europe. According to historical records the Carmenere arrived in Chile between 1840 and 1890 in European vessels (French and Spanish) coming Chile, by salt and coal.
In 1996, he began the enthusiasm of Chilean producers and began to increase the number of hectares planted with Carmenere. This strain requires a warm climate, deep and clayey soils. Among the features of Carmenere highlight its mouthfeel, silky and velvety and smooth, and the aroma of species makes it ideal for different types of food.
In cortahojas.com we have one of the best productions of Carmenere Maule Valley. We offer our customers different categories: Premium, great booking and reservation. We also have different types of format for customers who need to export these quality wines. Among the formats available are: Bag in Box, Bulk wines and traditional glass bottles.
In cortahojas.com high quality wines exported to more than 50 markets in 5 continmentes.
Learn more of us in chilean-wines.com or cortahojas.com.