Premium Chilean wines increasingly gaining ground in the world. And this is not a miracle. Chile has one of the most important terroirs in the world with a climate distinctly marked by the four seasons, with a diversity of soils, which allows great flexibility and climates to produce a wide variety of wines.


Chile is the 5th largest exporter after Italy, Spain, France and Australia with an 8% market share.

Achieve good results in the wine world is very difficult. large volumes, efficient production processes and access to different markets are needed. Economies of scale are key in this industry.


Chile exports almost 2/3 of its total wine production. This exposes the country to currency risk. Most of the income is in dollars and costs are pesos. In this conttexto, the weakness of the US currency has reduced its margins.


In this line, the quality of the product is to become a key element. Is achieved after a consumer know the quality of Chilean wines, it is willing to pay more for the wine even keep experimenting with other varieties.


A good example is what happens with China and its consumers. Chilean wines are well positioned in the Asian giant and there is a great opportunity for Chilean wineries in this country.