Producers and exporters of Chilean wine had good news in May 2016, since wine exports registered an increase in May, improving the numbers of the previous month, an increase of 30% in volume and 23 % in value.

According to data provided by the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (PASO), the categories were increased more contribuyeronen bottled wines and wines in bulk. Notably bulk wine had an authority superior 30% by volume increase about 25% in value.


The numbers shed exports

Accumulated in the first five months of this year, figures show an increase in volumes of 11%, those explained by increases of 15.6% of bulk wines; 12.9% of sparkling wines and 7.8% of bottled wines.


While this news is very positive, there is still a drop in export prices compared with the same period last year. This scenario is temporary and explains to some extent the international wine market has been somewhat conservative, a situation that adds to the Chilean wine exports have been aimed at categories of lower price ranges.

The key markets for the Chilean industry during 2016 remain Asia, United States and Brazil. export wines ….

Learn more about Chilean wines WWW.CHILEAN-WINES.COM

