The wine industry has classified the wines with the aim of providing the best quality of productions. In we wanted to discuss this topic for our readers learn more about wines and Chilean wines for export.
To understand the differences, you must first understand that the quality of the grapes and the time spent in barrels, the type of barrel used, and the production achieved are key to determining the categories of wine.
In Chile, usually four categories are used varietals, Reserva, Gran Reserva, Premium. However, there are also the icon wines.
Premium wine is usually the best wine from each vineyard. They produced with the best grapes and barrels. They preserved by a good number of years that can fluctuate between 10 and 15 years.
The Gran Reserva has less guard time. His second barrels may be of use and lower yield per hectare, this means that fewer but more quality wine is produced. These wines have a guard period between eight and 10 years.
Reserve wines are those that normally have less time stored in wooden barrels. These barrels can be second or third use and yield per hectare is greater. A Book can be kept for up to 5 years.
Regarding the icon wines, we can say that we refer to them when the icon wine refers to the concept “symbol”. In Chile it is called “Icon” the best wine producing wineries.
The decision to classify an Icon wine is quite one-sided. It is rather a qualifier of marketing to show a quality standard.
The price of these wines fluctuates between US $ 120 and US $ 300 a bottle. These are wines with character and powerful.
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Visit and learn more Chilean wine and Chilean premium wines and high quality.
Bag in Box, Bulk wines, Chilean bulk wines, private label wines.