Learn more about wines and chilean wines in www.cortahojas.com.-/ Cork is an important element for accompanying wine from the beginning. It is very likely that ordinary consumers are not aware of how important this piece of bark to keep intact all the characteristics of wine. However, to keep a bottle full potential of their content, it must be provided a good cork.

The cork is obtained from the cork oak. A tree of European origin, which occurs mainly in Spain, Portugal and France. It is a reaching Arbil to live up to 200 years and every 9 years, the harvest is done from its bark. The important thing is that it is not necessary to cut the cork oak, but it will only remove the crust.

An insurmountable plug

Cork serves as a stopper in the bottle and its characteristics are unsurpassed, mainly for its impermeabildad and elasticity. The cork allows the wine to receive small amounts of oxygen to allow it to evolve over time. This occurs because

Cork has a porosity and small spaces between the walls of the bottle and cork, which are holes through which the oxygen.

An important topic: the greater the number of holes, the lower the duration of the cork and the lower the time to maintain its impermeability. Premium wine in long, smooth corks are used; and for most common wines can be shorter and covering more orifucios (lenticels).


Mass wines and immediate consumption, lesser quality corks used. Corks are called pellets, which are small portions of compuestops other corks joined together.


In Cortahojas.com we have managed to open up roads in this demanding market, positioning our brand and our products. One of the most attractive product is the format Bulk Wines.

Learn more about  us. We invite you to inform you on our website, along with information where you can meet all our varieties of premium wine export.
