, the best option in Chilean export wines .- / There is a lot of scientific studies showing that drinking wine moderately and regularly brings important benefits to the health of people. The wine is one of those foodstuffs that help allow our hearts to be healthy, and at the same time reduce the risk sick is some form of cancer.

Meet Some of the benefits that this time we stress in the web of

As we know, the grape has a component called revesterol, which decreases the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Thus, consuming red wine continuously, but moderately active function of a gene that prevents the formation of new fat cells and helps mobilize existing. The thing to keep in mind is that the wine contains 7 calories per gram, however, in moderate doses helps reduce obesity and overweight as they age.

Following this line, drink a glass a day in the case of women or 2 in the case of men, can increase levels of good cholesterol in the blood and thus prevent or tackle cardiovascular problems.

Another important news is that wine consumption reduces the risk of cancer, especially lung cancer in men, especially if they are smokers. It also blocks the growth of the cells responsible for breast cancer, which can indiscriminately affect women and men. Here again the revesterol is key, because it slows the effects of estrogen, the female hormone par excellence.

There is also another study says that consuming seven glasses of red wine a week after turning 40 years of age decreased by more than half the diagnoses of prostate cancer.

A feature of which little is known, indicates that moderate consumption of wine improves the functioning of the brain and, in small amounts, prevents dementia. It is believed that this benefit is due to the presence of antioxidants reduces inflammation, preventing hardening of the arteries and inhibit clotting.

Furthermore, some compounds present in wine prevent the growth of streptococci in the mouth and bacteria linked to decay. Also prevent the onset of gingivitis and sore throats.

Finally, wine tasters generally buy healthier foods and tend to have a more balanced than those who are regular consumers of beer diet.

This information is based on various articles on the benefits of wine. It is a contribution for our customers and readers learn more about the wines and mainly Chilean wine., the best option in Chilean wine exports.