Find more information on During 2015, Spanish wines led the world export market, taking 23% of the global market. However, in Latin America, Chile registered a significant increase, ranking 6th place as a world producer after an increase of 28% in 2015 and fifth wine exporter by volume.

While for wines españotes this is good news, the answer is that Spain sells more because their wines are still cheaper than those of France, Italy and Chile, to name a few countries.

Despite this scenario, relative to the value of exports, Spain drops to 3rd place worldwide, behind these countries.

Wine exports worldwide reached an increase of 10.6% over the previous year. United States increased +26.5%; Argentina, +18.9% +16.8% and Chile.

World production stood at 274 million hectoliters, up 2.2% from 2014. Italy was the main producer, following an increase of 12% in 2015, followed by France, which remained practically stable, and Spain which fell by 6%.

In Latin America it highlights the rise of Chile, sixth largest producer after an increase of 28% in 2015 and fifth wine exporter by volume.


Wine consumption

On the other hand, consumption increased globally by 0.4% and stabilized after a recorded since 2008, mainly due to the economic crisis that hit the major world economies decline.

In 2015, the United States consolidated its position as the world’s largest consumer, and thus the consumption trend is downward Freo in countries traditionally wine producers.

Consumption in China was revived after the fall of 2013 and 2014, since wine is very popular among the middle-upper classes as a symbol of social status and their consumption is associated with positive health effects.


The area devoted to vineyards

The area devoted to vineyards (both wine production and grape) reached 7.53 million hectares.

Spain has 13.6% of the world’s surface, followed by China, in 2nd place.