We are entering Holy Week and thousands of families around the world are inclined prefentemente eat fish and seafood. It is for this reason that today we want to tell them about the Chilean sauvignon blanc. An excellent wine for this occasion.Visit our web cortahojas.com and you know the different varieties of our white wine, including the famous sauvignon blanc.
This is a world-class wine drinking little, because a large majority prefers red wines. But…. this wine offers, distinos styles and varieties.
A curious fact is that about 50 years ago sauvignon blanc plantations must not have been more than 5% of all planted in Chile. The sauvignon blanc is known as the king of white wines. He is originally from France, especially Bordeaux, and arrived in Chile at the time of the Conquest.
Time has passed and today in Chile there sauvignon blanc wines that are among the best in the world, beating the French to those of other countries.
Freshness and acidity of sauvignon blanc are best enjoyed while central Chile are younger is where the largest number of plantations is.
This type of wine go very well with different types of food: is everything related to the sea, but also is the Mediterranean diet (rich in green leafy vegetables), raw ham and mature cheeses; pizza, oriental food, sushi, Peruvian food, the Hindu food (thai).
Anyway … the sauvignon blanc is a very good wine, refreshing and very good companions at meals or aperitifs. This Easter fail to experience its qualities.
Learn more of them on our web cortahojas.com.
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