Read more about chilean wines in This is very good news for all producers and exporters of Chilean wine. In 2015 Chile became -for the first time- the largest exporter of wine to Japan, ahead of French wine.
Analysts and wine experts argue that the preference for the Chilean wine in the Japanese is due to its quality and affordable and competitive price, which allows many consumers to buy them.
Japanese imports of Chilean wine in 2015 increased by 18.1% compared to 2014, reaching 51.59 million liters, according to the Japanese Ministry of Finance itself. In contrast, imports of French wine -nation that has dominated for decades the Japanese market, decreased by 2.8%, reaching 51.51 million liters.
Another interesting fact about what is happening in Japan, is that in 2013, Chile managed to take 2nd place in Italy as the largest exporter to Japan. In 2015, Italy again took 3rd place with 34.64 million liters (2.39%), and Spain remained in 4th place with 20.21 million liters (3.76%).
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