Read more about chilean wines and chilean bulk wines.-/ During 2015, exports of bottled Chilean wine totaled US $ 1,510 million and the Asian market became the protagonist of the destinations. Thus, Chile continues to work to consolidate its image as the 4th largest exporter of wine and the leading exporter of bottled wine called new world.

2015 was a stable for the wine sector, with months of sustained volume growth year in 2015. However, it recorded a slight decrease in value, which reached 0.37% compared to 2014. This situation occurred due to the devaluation of the international currencies such as euro, the real and the yen, among others.

Bottled wine

Exports of this segment was $ 1,510 million SUS, representing 25 million liters (2,738 boxes 9 / lt.) More than in 2014. These data are important when compared with other markets and competitors that we had growths noteworthy in relation to 2014. So, the Chilean wine stands in 4th place in world exports and the leading exporter of bottled wine.

Exports to Asia have strengthened numbers Chilean producers, especially China, which in the short term will become the number one market for Chile.

United States is one of the key markets for Chile. Only in 2015 was the main market for Chilean wine exports, up from 2.49% in value.

Export Bulk

Bulk wine increased its exports by 6.34%, up from 24.66% in volume and low in price from US $ 0.74 to US $ 0.63 / lt.

In we have managed to open up roads in this demanding market, positioning our brand and our products. One of the most attractive product is the format Bulk Wines.

Learn more about  us. We invite you to inform you on our website, along with information where you can meet all our varieties of premium wine export., the best choice when choosing high quality wines