At this point in life, all people who like wine, taste like a drink … but there are techniques that help improve the experience when tasting a wine, and to examine its nuances, even as taste it.
Here are some tips As you know they are only recommendations, the important thing is that you enjoy wine and drink responsibly. In we know wine.
Well, let us start with the basics. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy Qatar’s definción term it is “to test, to examine something like its flavor or seasoning”. However, in the case of wine there are several rules that must be met. For example, never taste a good wine in a plastic cup, that’s what the fine crystal glasses.
When you want to participate in a wine tasting these are 10 simple things you should consider.
-On opening the bottle, leave a few minutes to oxygenate
-At Fill the cup, deal to do always as a third of the cup.
If you do not have to measure temperature, let the environment tempetarura take care of the situation.
-Once You have the drink served, you should hold it by the base. It is suggested to do it this way to avoid heating the liquid with the temperature of the hand.
-For Smell, try not to agitate the wine and bring the glass to your nose and make 2 or 3 slow, deep breaths.
-Tasting: For them to put a little drink in the mouth and push to scroll through your whole mouth. Once you have the wine in the mouth absorbs the air and expel it through the nose.
-Once You have passed a few seconds, you should spit the wine is in your mouth
-Try to memorize the aromatic sensations of wine over your mouth.
– And after all these express the experience you lived.
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