Browse more about Chilean wines on our web What has been projecting for the past years is becoming a reality with facts: The Chinese market, mainly driven by the country’s middle class is preferring wines called “New World”, ie countries such as Chile, Australia and New Zealand, who have offered attractive alternatives for Asian consumers.
For example, Chilean wine has been known for its consistent quality and affordable price, a situation that has been among the most prominent for Chinese consumers wine countries. The characteristics of the Chilean climate, with Mediterranean temperatures, different grape varieties and new technologies in production processes, have favored the Chileans for places of preference and become increasingly popular among Chinese.
Chile is the South American country that is located on the 3rd place among exporters of wine to China, after France and Australia. Chilean wine sales in China have increased at rates of 43% in the past.
Australian wine is also another product that has established itself in the Chinese market. The same goes for New Zealand wines. Both offer modern proposals that are desired by the middle class in China
Visit our website and you can find different kinds of information related to wine and Chilean wine. If you need to buy or import contact us quality Chilean wines.
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