Browse more about Chilean wines on our web Experts in the wine field analysts estimate that by 2016 the Chilean wine will be an expansion in sales of up to 4%. Resulting in an increase in volume between 6% and 7%. Chile has the great advantage of having a price / quality category unparalleled reserves. Precisely in this category it is where differences are expressed more Chilean wine quality and price.
In terms of volume, Chile does well commercially, but the effect of the exchange rate is the confusing numbers, since most of the major currencies have been devalued, as the yen and the Euro. So with the high dollar for customers still expensive product.
Likely best markets
The numbers suggest that the main markets for the expansion of Chilean wine will be the United States, where the reserve wines category is expected to grow more strongly, and the other undisputed market will be China, which could be transformed as the main trading partner of Chile. In 2015, this market grew 31% in sales and 38% by volume. Brazil, is another attractive market for our wines.
Chile is now the second largest supplier of bottled wine to China. The first place is held by France and the third, Australia. A year ago, Australia was the number 2.
Visit our website and you can find different kinds of information related to wine and Chilean wine. If you need to buy or import contact us quality Chilean wines.
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