Read more about wines in Despite all the complexities was the 2015 for the Chilean wine industry has been a good year, and most of the producers end the year with positive figures, regardless of the value of exports has decreased compared to last year.

On the other hand, the dreaded climate change, El Niño and factors that strongly affect agriculture, have played for Chilean wine producers, as during 2015 there was no frost affecting plants. The preocuáciones came on the side of drought and high temperatures ahead of the grape harvest.

For wine exporter, this 2015 has been a year of consolidation and very good positioning in Asian markets, where they managed to distribute high quality wines. Sales have also been positive, achieving significant growth, supported by the exchange rate, which has benefited exports of Chilean wine.


What comes

The year 2016 is seen positive for exports of Chilean wine and vineyards generally project more optimism.