In we seek to deliver valuable information for you to learn more about wine, and when you make your purchase decision, you are better informed.– / Decanting is a process in which the wine in a bottle is trasvasija to another vessel, called decanter. The aim is to improve its characteristics, such as color, flavor and aroma. Decanting has become a trend in recent times and more and more wine lovers who practice it. Even experts do recommend, especially with older wines that take more time and kept in the bottle. But young wines can also be decanted in fact the experts recommend.

What you need to know.

Decanting helps give the wine greater oxygenation, which increases the aroma. It also serves to bring the wine to the proper temperature and enjoy it in all its glory. It also works in removing the remains of the cork.

Other tips experts say the best way to do it is to decant a wine in the glass.


To take precautions

There are other opinions that say that not all wines should be decanted because oxygenation that occurs could affect wine quality. In this line, the recommendation would be required only when there are remnants of cork. Similarly, inadequate decantation could adversely affect the work that has been done with the wine.


How is the settling of a wine made?

The first thing to know is that the decanting process should be done slowly, with bowed wine bottle to slide down the wall of the container and do not fall sharply in the background. In this way it prevents bubbles.


What must not be forgotten

The remaining too long in the decanter loses its characteristics, its freshness and vitality. When a wine is decanted must consider drinking it at the time.