In we are passionate about Chilean wines communicate and connect people with the important issues around wine. Learn more about wines will help you make better buying decisions.–/   The climate and soil of the Maule region are characteristics that have given vine crops unique properties. One of the secrets of the producers is to make the wine sit for at least two years. This practice provides a greater intensity and concentration of wine, which translates to better quality, which ultimately is appreciated when you uncork a bottle.


Another important factor is that many of the vineyards in the region preserved ancient vines that offer unique characteristics when the wine reaches its point, managing to impress with a freshness, flavor and identity totally unparalleled.


At market level, these differences are relevant, especially today, where we have seen that differentiation is key when analyzing consumption. Although today’s world is consuming a smaller volume of wine is increasing the demand for higher quality wines. The consumer is now willing to spend more on quality than quantity. It is in this context where the wine of the Maule Region of Chile has room to grow.


CHS Chilean wines, we have seen has developed this segment. Increasingly our customers prefer iterative wines of better quality, independent of the value of these. This behavior has led to our product line of premium wines has developed at an incredible rate, says Paul Short, CEO of CH.


On the other hand, we have also seen how they have been evolving consumer tastes wine. It is now completely open to try new and different proposals, which will provide a different experience.

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