Read more about chilean wines in  Forecasts related to wine consumption in Brazil for 2016 indicate that an increase will be experienced. And this rise would be around 37%, which would result in 1.9 liters of per capita increase to 2.6 liters in 2016. However, per capita consumption of wine per year population is much lower beer consumption (60 liters per year) and rum (20 liters).

According to the figures for imports of wine in the Brazilian market, Chilean wines occupy the first place, with a 50% of total imports. Second are Argentine wines with a share of 18.9%.

Sales volumes from Chile to Brazil doubled in the period 2008 -2014, and prices showed a less pronounced increase, reaching an average of $ 28.76, up 20% from the Argentine wines.


Access to wine

In Brazil, the main wine sales channels are supermarkets, where it sells 70% of all wine sold in the country. The Cabernet Sauvignon is the main strain that Chile exports and accounts for 18% of total shipments, while the variety most exported by Argentina is Malbec, with 50% of their shipments.

Learn more about chilean wines in www.corta