Learn more about Chilean wines and wine in particular on the website cortahojas.com.-/  In this blog CortaHojas contendos have spoken on other opportunities for the benefits of red wine for the health of people. This time, a new council comes on the heels of resveratrol. It is a compound that is present in grapes that give rise to red wine and that makes tumor cells more sensitive to radiation treatment. In other words, this compound inhibits the survival of melanoma cells helping to treat cancer.

The study of the effect of resveratrol and radiation therapy in melanoma was conducted by the University of Missouri. The investigation found that both resveratrol as radiotherapy inhibit the survival of melanoma cells, which become more susceptible to radiation if treated first with resveratrol.


Concrete results

Results from the various tests realize that when the disease is treated only with resveratrol, 44 percent of tumor cells died. However, when treatment was performed with resveratrol and radiotherapy, 65 percent of tumor cells disappeared.

Some findings indicate that resveratrol may be key in treating different types of cancers. What comes now is to develop a more effective way to deliver the compound to tumor sites mechanism.

More information about Chilean wines can be found at our website cortahojas.com Learn and share this information provides data of interest to wine lovers. Remember what Chilean wine has a scarlet quality recognized worldwide and their prices are very convenient.


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