Read more about chilean wines in For years Argentina has worked the image of its wines and achieve good positioning and passing, moving to Chile. The strategy is that both the country and its regions inject resources for conducting campaigns, since it is part of a policy as a country that seeks to project its wine industry.
The truth is that in some markets Argentina has fared better with its wines, but in others, Chile is ahead. Argentina has elements that favor him as his country’s image. However, the political turmoil of recent times is affecting drastically.
In recent years, Chile has gained ground in exports, reaching, for example, Australia. Another example is the case of Brazil, where exports increased by 90% between 2008 and 2014, and increased from 18.6 to 35, million liters. In contrast, exports of Argentine wine declined. In 2008 they sent 14.4 million liters and in 2014 decreased to 13.4 million. Chile took this opportunity and planned a clear dominance in the Brazilian market where he spent mastering the 50% market share.
Considering the above, the Government, through ProChile and the program of sectoral brands, finance 50% of the costs of activities to promote the industry abroad. According to Wines of Chile, 42% of those resources proporcioanaría the Government and 58% industry would have to solve them, which calcaula around US $ 7 billion annually.
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