Read more about wines and chilean wines in According to analysts’ estimates, in 2017 China could become the largest market for wine in the world. This analysis is given by the exserted Euromonitor International.

The large population of China has been moving increasingly to the consumption of wine. According to research data, in 2014, the Asian giant devoured 1,900 million bottles. It has also been its wine aumentano 799,000 hectares planted surface, becoming the second country in acreage of vineyards, only behind Spain.

In relation to global production, China is located at number 7 global producers, surpassing Germany, Chile and South Africa.

As the number of consumers in 2014 increased to 17 million hectoliters consumed and 38 million consumers had twice three years ago. In this way the Chinese are located on the fifth among the countries with the highest consumption.

On the other hand, the Chinese consumer is interested in purchasing high quality wines, especially imported wines. With this increase in the consumption of wine, China is one of the major importing countries of the world, both in terms of value and volume, from 0.3 to 1.2 billion euros between 2008 and 2013 while in volume in the same period has gone from 1.6 to 3.9 million hectoliters of wine. the best choice in chilean wines