Learn more about chilean wines in cortahojas.com.-/ We all know that science is making strides. This time the news came of the lad wine. A group of Spanish scientists managed to decrease between 2 and 4 degrees the amount of alcohol in wine. The important thing is that this work had achieved that are alterations in the wine.
According to the explanations, the amount of alcoholic in wine are mainly due to the increase in grape sugar. This occurs during the period of the harvest and, in recent years as a result of climate change (global warming) this has been increasing. However, the researchers explained that this work is a first step to counter the rise of alcohol in the wine market quality.
The scientists were able to control the yeast metabolism product in order to lower the amount of alcohol as much sugar. What was done before this, it was to eliminate some of the sugar before fermentation or ethanol after this, but this method alter the taste of wine.
The technique developed breathe advantage that yeast of the sugar in the must ferment instead of all this by controlling the oxygen. In other words, the greater amount of sugar consumed by yeast breathing, plus the alcohol content of wine is reduced.
The research was conducted by scientists from the National Research Council of Spain (CSIC) and the results were published in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.
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