Learn more about bulk wines in cortahojas.com .-/ This is a fairly debatable, but it has its arguments in science. The intensity of the light and sound desiveles have something to say on this issue. It turns out that professors at the University of Oxford found that the sound and light have the ability to affect the taste of wine, making it more acidic, bitter and fruity.
It’s a whole psychological issue. Thus, taste a red wine in a glass will have a different point of origin where the wine was bottled flavor.
The important thing is that the wine remains the same, but being in the mouth, their properties change, because the environment has changed. On the other hand, a sound environment also creates distortions. Against this background, could change the way of labeling the bottles and could include advice to consume and enjoy it better.
Another history says that wine changes when tested in different varieties of lights. For example, a wine is 50% sweeter if consumed in an environment with red light, and becomes increasingly bitter with white or blue light.
The effect of light is not just about wine. With regard to food, for example, decubrió that patients ate more food if food is served in blue. One conclusion is that humans are attracted by red foods, giving off signs of maturity, sugar and calories.
Remember that this information is read in Corta Hojas.com
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